Kontakta Alexandra Keining, 43 år, Stockholm. Adress: Långholmsgatan 1, Postnummer: 117 33 - Hitta mer här!


Kontakta Alexandra Keining, 43 år, Stockholm. Adress: Långholmsgatan 1, Postnummer: 117 33 - Hitta mer här!

After that she worked on a number of other films and was a casting director for television projects such as Wallander. Förlorade båda föräldrarna i unga år och togs omhand av sin mormor. Regisserade som 26-åring sin första film, Hot dog (2002), och blev därmed den yngsta svenska kvinnliga regissören någonsin som regisserat en film. Festivalen visar andra filmer med ett liknande tema, men Alexandra-Therese Keining tror att ”Pojkarna” är extra kontroversiell.

Alexandra-therese keining

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Gatunki: LGBTQ, Dramat. Napisy: Français [CC]. Conheça a biografia do(a) Alexandra Therese Keining e de muitos outros artistas na maior rede social de filmes do Brasil. Köp böcker av Alexandra-Therese Keining: 14; Alexandra-Therese Keining. Sweden, 2015 / 106 min / Swedish original version with German subtitiles / Drama, Fantasy. A fairytale about sexual confusion with  14 av Alexandra-Therese Keining. Boken handlar om ett antal personer: Fredrik, som är mobbad, ensam och gärna vill ta plats bland killgänget.

Alexandra-Therese Keining är en svensk författare, filmregissör, rollsättare och manusförfattare, allt enligt Wikipedia.


Av: Alexandra-Therese Keining. Nour och den magiska drycken - Inbunden. Finns i lager, 143 kr. Hos Adlibris hittar du miljontals böcker och produkter inom alexandra-therese keining Vi har ett brett sortiment av böcker, garn, leksaker, pyssel, sällskapsspel, dekoration och mycket mer för en inspirerande vardag.

Alexandra-therese keining

Watch KISS ME on FilmDoo at: https://www.filmdoo.com/films/kiss-me/Mia (Ruth Vega Fernandez) and Frida (Liv Mjönes), both in their thirties, meet each other

Alexandra-therese keining

Alexandra-Therese Keining was born in 1976 in Sweden. She is a director and screenwriter known for Pojkarna (2014), Kyss Mig (2011), Elegia (2011) and Hot Dog (2002) which marked her debut as the youngest female filmmaker to direct a feature film in Sweden.

Alexandra-Therese Keining (born 1976) is a Swedish writer, film director, and screenwriter.She is known for directing LGBTQ-related films such as With Every Heartbeat and Girls Lost Alexandra-Therese Keining was born in 1976 in Sweden. She is a director and screenwriter known for Alexandra-Therese Keining: After Girls Lost, I felt like doing something smaller, something short and experimental. A couple of years ago, I read about the scientific attempt to calculate the average colour of the universe. Watch KISS ME on FilmDoo at: https://www.filmdoo.com/films/kiss-me/Mia (Ruth Vega Fernandez) and Frida (Liv Mjönes), both in their thirties, meet each other Alexandra Therese-Keining: We wanted all the background in the back of the actors and the extras to be really grayish.
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Alexandra-therese keining

Alexandra-Therese Keining. Films. Girls Lost.

Alexandra-Therese Keining föddes i skånska Lomma och efter filmutbildning i Los Angeles regisserade hon sin första långfilm Hot Dog redan som 26-åring. Därefter ville hon förkovra sig inom olika aspekter av filmskapande och jobbade bl.a.
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Alexandra-Therese Keining är manusförfattare och filmregissör, bland annat till Guldbaggenominerade Kyss mig. Även om 14 är Alexandra-Thereses romandebut är hon inte en nybörjare när det kommer till att berätta starka berättelser.

Familj: sambon Sofia Watch KISS ME on FilmDoo at: https://www.filmdoo.com/films/kiss-me/Mia (Ruth Vega Fernandez) and Frida (Liv Mjönes), both in their thirties, meet each other Alexandra-Therese Keining. Director, Writer. 16/12/1976 (44 years old) Portions of content provided by Tivo Corporation - © 2021 Tivo Corporation Alexandra-Therese Keining is the author of Nour och den magiska drycken (3.74 avg rating, 27 ratings, 3 reviews, published 2015) and 14 (3.50 avg rating, Alexandra Therese-Keining: We wanted all the background in the back of the actors and the extras to be really grayish. Watch closely, they have grey clothes.

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Screenwriter-helmer Alexandra-Therese Keining’s movie is fitfully complex in its depiction of fluid sexual identity, but also somewhat plodding and eager to spell out what might have worked b…

Alexandra-Therese Keining was born in 1976 in Sweden. She is a director and screenwriter known for Pojkarna (2014), Kyss Mig (2011), Elegia (2011) and Hot Dog (2002) which marked her debut as the youngest female filmmaker to direct a feature film in Sweden. This unusual and thought-provoking gender-themed story from acclaimed writer/director Alexandra-Therese Keining (Kiss Me) is now available on VOD and DVD through Wolfe Video. Girls Lost is the story of three best friends — bullied, outcast 14-year-old girls — who explore issues of gender identity, love, and courage as they navigate the transitional age between childhood and adulthood.