Adding to the questionable nature of this experiment is the fact that it is largely funded by none other than Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates. Gates is no stranger to funding controversial experiments as he’s publicly funded many of them including one that would implant devices into babies to automatically give them vaccines.
Adding to the questionable nature of this experiment is the fact that it is largely funded by none other than Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates. Gates is no stranger to funding controversial experiments as he’s publicly funded many of them including one that would implant devices into babies to automatically give them vaccines.
It's meant to mimic the effects of a giant volcanic eruption. Geoengineering: für Bill Gates ist die Sonne das Problem. Der Microsoft-Gründer unterstützt finanziell die Entwicklung einer Technologie zur Verdunkelung der Sonne, die das Sonnenlicht aus der Erdatmosphäre zurück reflektieren und so eine globale Abkühlung bewirken soll. Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has been supporting a wide array of research on geoengineering since 2007, Science Insider has learned. The world’s richest man has provided at least $4.5 Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research - YouTube. Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research.
Dieser Artikel ist auch auf Italienisch verfügbar. Der Microsoft-Gründer unterstützt finanziell die Entwicklung einer Technologie zur Verdunkelung der Sonne, die das Sonnenlicht aus der Erdatmosphäre zurück reflektieren und so eine globale Abkühlung bewirken soll. Exposing the climate geoengineering cover-up. A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.
Next Article 2021-04-06 · This plan is in congruence with the plan backed by billionaire Bill Gates in which plans have been made to spray dust into the atmosphere to dim the sun that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. If you are wondering where all the money for this project is deriving from, look no further than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
10 Sep 2019 prestigious endorsement with Bill Gates currently championing this radical project. So, what does it entail? Solar geoengineering has many
2021-04-03 If you are wondering where all the money for this project is deriving from, look no further than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. We reported on Harvard’s ambition to throw shade at our sun months ago.
globalisten Microsofts grundare och hypermiljardären Bill Gates tagit geoengineering skärma av solljuset för att sänka jordens temperatur.
This process involves seeding the stratosphere with aerosols to reflect sunlight away. Aerosols are the gaseous clouds formed 2021-03-27 · Bill Gates Backs Geoengineering to Block Sunlight From Reaching the Earth's Surface.
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2021-01-11 · Microsoft’s MSFT billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a
Bill Gates and geoengineering . "Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has been supporting a wide array of research on geoengineering since 2007, ScienceInsider has learned. . The world’s richest man has provided at least $4.5 million of his own money over 3 years for the study of methods that could alter the stratosphere to reflect solar energy, techniques to filter carbon dioxide directly
If you are wondering where all the money for this project is deriving from, look no further than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. We reported on Harvard’s ambition to throw shade at our sun months ago. UPDATE (June 29, 2019): 2020 Presidential candidate, Andrew Yang, unveils massive geoengineering funding plan that supports blocking the sun. Geoengineering Claim Two: The Desire of Bill Gates In response to the claim that Gates “wants to” use geoengineering as a tool to fight climate change, they again declare it to be false.
He had recently endorsed his belief of consuming 100% synthetic beef as well as his conviction that cryptocurrencies are harmful to our planet. 2010-05-14 · Bill Gates and his cloud-wrenching cronies have no right to unilaterally change our seas and skies in this way,' said Jim Thomas from Canadian environmental campaigners, ETC Group. As Solar Minimum-induced extreme weather continues to plague modern agriculture, we find ourselves trapped in between a rock and a hard place, with a literal ar Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere to stop global warming… but critics fear it could trigger calamity“ (4).
Geoengineering experiment that is funded in part by Bill Gates.
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23 Jan 2020 The objective of solar geoengineering would be to slow the warming of the Dr. Keith's program at Harvard is supported by Bill Gates and
Let’s Bill Gates is getting serious about geoengineering. Back in January, after the failure of governments at the Copenhagen Climate Change summit to do anything serious, the billionaire former head of Microsoft announced he's give nearly $5 million of his fortune to fund research into geoengineering projects.
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Claim: A project funded by Bill Gates "would help block out the sun."
Source: Niamh Harris Lockdown fanatic Bill Gates is quietly moving forward with his diabolical plan to dim our sun, according to reports. The controversial plan is allegedly part of an effort to save the human race by “revitalizing our environment” by artificially dimming the sun’s rays. “When Bill Gates $4.5 million investment in geoengineering research came to light in 2010, one of the scientists he put in charge of the project, Ken Caldeira, said the money was not funding any field experiments. But as the project has grown and moved to Harvard, that line was crossed. “Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of CHALK into the stratosphere,” the Daily Mail proclaimed. Solar geoengineering research, he says, is similar to the many moral hazards that Bill Gates is getting serious about geoengineering.